Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Past my GWAPT exam.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Enumerate and find active Webites

It has been a while since I posted anything. Yesterday I made a thing. A Python script to discover websites based of the URL. The below script uses argparse to define options. Provide either an individual url using the "-u" or "--url". To enumerate several URLs you can dump them to a file and read the file using the "-f" or "--file" option

import requests
import sys
import getopt
import re
import argparse

# This script was created by Steve Johnson. Feel free to share improvise and make it better as long as you follow the below rules
# Sharing is Caring
# Defining variables

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-u ", "--url", help="Website address")
parser.add_argument("-f","--file", help="Read Websites from a file")
args = parser.parse_args()
#if args.verbosity:
#    print("verbosity turned on")
# Defining variables
def main():
        print("//****WebServer Enumeration Script by Steve Johnson.****//\n//****Provide individual URL or use a File for multiple URLs****//\n//****Output contains status code of active websites****//\n")
        print ("Connecting to Webserver: ")
        if args.file:
            with open(args.file) as f:
                url_list =
            for url in url_list:
                r = requests.get(url)
                if r.status_code !=404:
                    print (url+" : "+str(r.status_code))
        if args.url:
            url = args.url
            r = requests.get(url)
            if r.status_code !=404:
                print (url+" : "+str(r.status_code))

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

PHP web shell page=

Save the below commands to a file called page.php

To utilize this simple web shell you will need to find a way to upload it on the system via some other exploit such as RFI, or sql injection. Once it is in the on the webserver

   if (isset($_GET['page']))  
      include($_GET['page'] . '.php');  

Unicorn Scan

It has ben a bit since I made a post, and i figured now is a good a time as any. Been using Unicornscan quite a bit lately instead of nmap because it is so much faster. I figured it is time to make a cheatsheet. I found this over at

VI. Unicornscan Cheat Sheet

Unicornscan is a powerful scanner with hundreds of features, a few of which we have touched upon here. Probably its greatest advantage over other port scanners are the fact that it has its own TCP/IP stack enabling it to scan faster and spoof other TCP/IP stacks.

For the most common scanning, please find a cheat sheet below to assist you.

SYN                                       :    -mT
ACK scan                              :    -mTsA
Fin scan                                :    -mTsF
Null scan                              :    -mTs
Xmas scan                            :    -mTsFPU
Connect Scan                       :    -msf -Iv
Full Xmas scan                     :    -mTFSRPAU
scan ports 1 through 5        :   (-mT) host:1-5

To spoof your IP use -s followed by the IP address.

To use another OS fingerprint use the -W switch followed by the numeric value of the OS.

0=Cisco (default)    1=openbsd   2= Windows XP 3= p0fsendsyn 4=FreeBSD   5= nmap


This will execute a TCP syn scan(-mT) show immediate verbose results(-Iv) send 200 packets per second(-r200) execute the OS detect module(-e)
unicornscan -mT -Iv -r200 -eosdetect ip

Same for cidr notation
unicornscan -mT -Iv -r200 -eosdetect subnet/bits

Same for multiple ip addresses
unicornscan -mT -Iv -r200 -eosdetect ip ip ip

Default directory for unicorn modules in Kali Linux:

Man Page can be found:
unicornscan Version 0.4.6b is a asynchronous network stimulus delivery/response recoring tool.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
       unicornscan  [-b,  --broken-crc  layer]  [-B,  --source-port  port]  [-d,  --delay-type  type]  [-D, --no-defpayload ] [-e, --enable-module modules] [-E, --proc-errors ] [-F, --try-frags ] [-G, --payload-group group] [-h, --help ] [-H, --do-dns ] [-i, --interface interface] [-I, --immediate ] [-j, --ignore-seq ignore] [-l, --logfile file] [-L,          
       --packet-timeoutdelay] [-m, --mode mode] [-M, --module-dir directory] [-p, --ports string] [-P, --pcap-filter filter] [-q, --covertness covertness] [-Q, --quiet ] [-r, --pps rate] [-R, --repeats repeats] [-s, --source-addr address] [-S, --no-shuffle ] [-t, --ip-ttl TTL] [-T, --ip-tos TOS] [-w, --safefile file] [-W,  --fingerprint  fingerprint]          
       [-v, --verbose ] [-V, --version ] [-z, --sniff ] [-Z, --drone-type type] target list                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
       unicornscan: ...

       [-b, --broken-crc Layer]
               Break CRC sums on the following layers. N and T are valid, and both may be used without separator, so NT would indicate both Network and Transport layers are to have invalid checksums.

       [-B, --source-port Port]
               Source port for sent packets, numeric value -1 means to use a random source port (the default situation), and other valid settings are 0 to 65535. normally this option will not be used, but sometimes it is useful to say scan from port 53 into a network.

       [-d, --delay-type Type]
               Specify  the  timer  used  for pps calculations, the default is variable and will try and use something appropriate for the rate you have selected. Note however, if available, the tsc timer and the gtod timer are very CPU intensive.  if you require unicornscan to not monopolize your system while running, consider using the sleep timer,
              normally 3.  it has been observed that the tsc timer and gtod timer are required for high packet rates, however this is highly system dependent, and should be tested on each hardware/platform combination. The tsc timer may not be available on every cpu. The sleep timer module is  not  recommended  for  scans  where  utmost  accuracy  is

       [-D, --no-defpayload ]
               Do not use default payloads when one cannot be found.

       [-e, --enable-module List]
               A comma separated list of modules to activate (note: payload modules do not require explicit activation, as they are enabled by default). an example would be `pgsqldb,foomod'.

       [-E, --proc-errors ]
               Enable processing of errors such as icmp error messages and reset+ack messages (for example). If this option is set then you will see responses that may or may not indicate the presence of a firewall, or other otherwise missed information.

       [-F, --try-frags ]
               It is likely that this option doesn't work, don't bother using it until it is fixed.

       [-G, --payload-group Group]
               activate payloads only from this numeric payload group. The default payload group is 1.

       [-h, --help ]
               if you don't know what this means, perhaps you should consider not using this program.

       [-H, --do-dns ]
               Resolve  dns  hostnames  before  and after the scan (but not during, as that would likely cause superfluous spurious responses during the scan, especially if udp scanning). the hosts that will be resolved are (in order of resolution) the low and high addresses of the range, and finally each host address that replied with something that
              would be visible depending on other scan options. This option is not recommended for use during scans where utmost accuracy is required.

       [-i, --interface Interface]
               string representation of the interface to use, overriding automatic detection.

       [-I, --immediate ]
               Display results immediately as they are found in a sort of meta report format (read: terse). This option is not recommended for use during scans where the utmost accuracy is required.

       [-j, --ignore-seq Type]
               A string representing the intended sequence ignorance level. This affects the tcp header validity checking, normally used to filter noise from the scan. If for example you wish to see reset packets with an ack+seq that is not set or perhaps intended for something else appropriate use of this option would be R. A is  normally  used  for
              more exotic tcp scanning. normally the R option is associated with reset scanning.

       [-l, --logfile File]
               Path to a file where flat text will be dumped that normally would go to the users terminal. A limitation of this option currently is that it only logs the output of the `Main' thread and not the sender and receiver.

       [-L, --packet-timeout Seconds]
               Numeric value representing the number of seconds to wait before declaring the scan over. for connect scans sometimes this option can be adjusted to get more accurate results, or if scanning a high-latency target network; for example.

       [-m, --mode Mode]
               String representation of the desired scanning mode. Correct usage includes U, T, A and sf for Udp scanning, Tcp scanning, Arp scanning, and Tcp Connect scanning respectively.

       [-M, --module-dir Directory]
               Path to a directory containing shared object `modules' for unicornscan to search.

       [-p, --ports Ports]
               A global list of ports to scan, can be overridden in the target specification on a per target basis.

       [-P, --pcap-filter Filter]
               A pcap filter string to add to the listeners default pcap filter (that will be associated with the scan mode being used).

       [-c, --covertness Level]
               Numeric option that currently does nothing, except look cool.

       [-Q, --quiet ]
               This option is intended to make unicornscan play the `quiet game'. If you are unfamiliar with its rules, consult with someone else who finds you irritating.

       [-r, --pps Rate]
               This is arguably the most important option, it is a numeric option containing the desired packets per second for the sender to use. choosing a rate too high will cause your scan results to be incomplete. choosing a rate too low will likely make you feel as though you are using nmap.

       [-R, --repeats Times]
               The number of times to completely repeat the senders workload, this option is intended to improve accuracy during critical scans, or with scans going over a highly unreliable network.

       [-s, --source-addr Address]
               The address to use to override the listeners default interfaces address. using this option often necessitates using the helper program fantaip(1) to make sure the replies are routed back to the interface the listener has open.

       [-S, --no-shuffle ]

       [-t, --ip-ttl Number]

       [-T, --ip-tos Number]

       [-w, --savefile File]

       [-W, --fingerprint Type]

       [-v, --verbose ]

       [-V, --version ]

       [-z, --sniff ]

       [-Z, --drone-type Type]

               The file containing the default configuration options for usage.

               The default file for module parameters.

               Contains the MAC prefix to vendor mapping used in Ethernet scanning.

               The default file for tcp and udp payloads.

               The protocol/port number to name mapping.

       fantaip(1) unicfgtst(1) unicycle(1) unibrow(1) unicorn.conf(5)

       Report Bugs to

       (C)2004 Jack Louis This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.