Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Troubleshooting Firepower

Capturing packets
Step 1 - Log into the sfr module via ssh

Step 2 - Execute the command:

system support capture-traffic

Choose option 2 to capture data from from Single Context
Please choose domain to capture traffic from:
  0 - eth0
  1 - cplane
  2 - Single Context

Selection? 2

Step 4 - Specify your options on what to capture
Please specify tcpdump options desired.
(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: -n host (ip address of 1st host) and host (ip address of 2nd host)

The above capture option will perform a packet capture of all data between the specified two hosts.

Resetting snort

Login to the sfr module using the admin credentials.
Enter the root shell by entering expert mode:

Enter your admin credentials
Elevate to root permissions

sudo su -
Enter your Admin credntials

pmtool restartbyid SFDataCorrelator
pmtool restartbytype snort

Finding the pid of a service.
pidof snort

Display logging information for traffic traversing the sfr
> system support firewall-engine-debug

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